撒母耳記 (13) 大衛的勇士
The Books of Samuel (13) - The Mighty Men of David
經文:撒下 23:8-17 ,代上 11-12,西 1:15-18
Scriptures: 2 Samuel 23:8-17, 1 Chronicles 11-12, Colossians 1:15-18
Memory Verse: "Watch,
stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.
Let all that you do be done with love." (1 Corinthians 16: 13-14)
(1) 誠心且一心要立大衛作王(代上 12:38)
With a royal heart...all were of one mind to make David king
(1 Chronicles 12:38)
因為你的 神幫助你
(代上 12:18)
- O David...We are on your side...For your God
helps you. (1 Chronicles 12:18)
天天有人來幫助大衛,以致成了大軍,如 神的軍一樣。(代上 12:22)
- "They came to David day
by day to help him, until it was a great army, like the army of
God." (1 Chronicles 12:22)
神的旨意就是要祂的愛子在萬有中,也在凡事上居首位(西 1:15-18)
-- God's will is that in all things His beloved Son will have the
preeminence (Colossians 1:15-18)
(2) 護國勝敵,且甘心為 神家預備建殿材料
the country, conquering the enemies, and willingly preparing building materials
for God's temple
這些人幫助大衛攻擊群賊。他們都是大能的勇士且作軍長。(代上 12:21)
- "And they helped David against the bands of raiders, for they were all
mighty men of valor, and they were captains in the army." (1 Chronicles
護衛兵分為12班次,按月輪流,替換出入服事王(代上 27:1)
- David's military divisions "came in and went out month by month"
and "served the king in every matter". (1 Chronicles 27:1)
將爭戰時所奪的財物分別為聖、以備修造耶和華的殿。(代上 26:26-27)
- "King David and the heads of fathers
houses, the captains over thousands and hundreds, and the captains of the
army... spoils won in battles they dedicated to maintain the house of the
LORD." (1 Chronicles 26:26-27)
(3) 三十七位「勇士中的勇士」及其傑出的見證
Thirty-seven "mighty men
among the mighty men" and their extraordinary testimonies
1. 頭三位勇士 - 至死忠心,毫不妥協
The first 3 mighty soldiers --
Loyal and never compromised until the end
2. 後三位勇士 - 不計代價,竭誠愛主
The next three mighty men - Wholeheartedly and
willing to pay any price to love the Lord
其他三十一位勇士 - 個個被 神特別提名紀念
The other
thirty-one mighty men Everyone remembered by God by the name