ÒDo not walk according to the flesh, but according to the SpiritÓ (3)
---- ÒBe doers of the word; taking each step seriouslyÒ 01/10/2010
經文:羅 8:1-8;林前 3:1-3a;雅 1:22-25;加 4:19
Scriptures: Roman8:1-8; 1 Corinthians3:1-3a;
James1:22-25; Galatians4:19
背誦經文:22 只是你們要行道,不要單單聽道,自己欺哄自己。
23 因為聽道而不行道的,就像人對著鏡子看自己本來的面目,
24 看見,走後,隨即忘了他的相貌如何。
25 惟有詳細察看那全備、使人自由之律法的,並且時常如此,這人既不是聽了就忘,乃是實在行出來,就在他所行的事上必然得福。(雅1:22-25)
Memorization Verse:
22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.
The foreshadowing of leaving Egypt and entering Canaan
-- leaving Egypt
was not the goal; entering Canaan was the goal
(二) 曠野經歷的最大考驗
II. The greatest test in the wilderness
-- the
flesh was manifested and dealt with: died in the wilderness
Ò但他們中間多半是 神不喜歡的人,所以在曠野倒斃。Ó(林前10:5)
ÒBut with most of them God was not well pleased, for their
bodies were scattered in the wilderness.Ó (1 Corinthians 10:5)
-- continue to circle and
not move forward; wasting years
Òas the LORD spoke to me, and we skirted Mount Seir for many days. And the LORD spoke to me, saying: ÔYou have skirted this mountain long enough; turn northward.Ó
(Deuteronomy 2:1b-3)
(三) 對今日你我的意義
What does it mean to you and me today
(1) it serves as an example
to us
these things became our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after
evil things as they also lustedÓ (1
Corinthians 10:6)
(2) Be doers of the word; taking each
step seriously
---ÒBut be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.Ó
place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have
given you, as I said to Moses.Ó (Joshua 1:3)
(3) Òobtaining JesusÓ is the true goal
and value for all spiritual disciplines
Not only enjoy Òthe indwelling JesusÓ, but allow ÒChrist to formÓ in us