¡§Do not walk according to the flesh, but
according to the Spirit¡¨ (4)
: Circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter
¸g¤å¡G ù2¡G28-29¡A¦è2¡G11¡AªL«e7¡G19¡A¥[5¡G6¡A6¡G15¡A®{7¡G5¡A¥[5¡G24¡Aù8¡G12-13¡A
Scriptures: Romans 2:28-29,
Colossians 2:11, 1 Corinthians 7:19, Galatians 5:6, 6:15, Acts 7:5, Galatians
5:24, Romans 8:12-13, Romans 6:12-13, Galatians 6:7-8
I»w¸g¤å¡G28¦]¬°¥~±§@µS¤Ó¤Hªº¡A¤£¬O¯uµS¤Ó¤H¡F¥~±¦×¨ªº³Î§¡A¤]¤£¬O¯u³Î§¡C 29±©¦³ùر§@ªº¡A¤~¬O¯uµS¤Ó¤H¡F¯u³Î§¤]¬O¤ßùتº¡A¦b¥GÆF¡A¤£¦b¥G»ö¤å¡C³o¤HªººÙÆg¤£¬O±q¤H¨Óªº¡A¤D¬O±q¡@¯«¨Óªº¡C(ù2¡G28-29)
Memory Verse: 28 For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward
in the flesh; 29 but he is
a Jew who is one inwardly; and
circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit,
not in the letter; whose praise is
not from men but from God. (Romans
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I Understand the true essence of circumcision
- In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting
Off the body of the sins[a] of
the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ (Colossians 2:11)
(A) A
circumcision that is outward in
the flesh is not a true circumcision, to receive circumcision that is not in
the flesh:
(a) ºâ¤£±o¤°»ò¡X«n¬O¯à¡§¦u¯«ªº»|©R¡¨ ¡]ªL«e7¡G19¡^
Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision
is nothing - but ¡§keeping the commandments of God is what matters¡¨ (1 Corinthians 7:19)
(b) ¥þµL¥\®Ä¡X¡§±©¿W¨Ï¤H¥Íµo¤¯·Rªº«H¤ß¡B¤~¦³¥\®Ä¡¨ ¡]¥[5¡G6¡^
(b) Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but ¡§faith working through love¡¨ (Galatians 5:6)
(c) µLÃöºòn¡X¡§nºòªº¬O§@·s³yªº¤H¡¨ ¡]¥[6¡G15¡^
Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision
avails anything, but ¡§a new creation¡¨ (Galatians 6:15)
¡]B¡^¯u³Î§¬O¤ß¸Ìªº¡X¡§¦b¥GÆF¡A¤£¦b¥G»ö¤å¡¨ ¡]ù2¡G29a¡^
(B) Circumcision
is that of the heart ¡V ¡§in the
Spirit, not in the letter¡¨ (Romans 2:29a)
¡]¤G¡^ ¯u³Î§ªº°õ¦æ
II The execution of a true
(a) °ò·þÂǵۤQ¬[
(a) By Jesus through the cross
- ¡§And those who are Christ¡¦s have crucified the
flesh with its passions and desires¡¨ (Galatians 5:24)
(b) °ò·þÂǵ۸tÆF
(b) By Jesus through the Holy Spirit
- Therefore, brethren, we are debtors¡Xnot to the flesh, to live according to the flesh.
For if you live according to the flesh
you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will
live.¡¨ (Romans 8:12-13)
¡]¤T¡^ ¥Í¬¡¤W¨ãÅ骺¹ê¦æ
III Application in
daily living
¥þ¤H ¡]ù6¡G12-13¡^
(a) the
whole being ( Romans 6:12-13)
heart, mouth, ears, eyes¡K.all need to be circumcised
(Acts 7:51), ¡§roll away¡¨
reproach (Joshua
(b) in
all things
¡Ð ¡§¤HºØªº¬O¤°»ò¡A¦¬ªº¤]¬O¤°»ò¡¨ ¡]¥[6¡G7-8¡^
- ¡§for whatever a man sows, that he will
also reap¡¨ (Galatians 6:7-8)